Sunday, April 19, 2009

I Dreamed a Dream - life is a gift...

Zee's Notes: Over the last few days this You Tube video has been downloaded more than 30 million times - I'm sure many of you have caught it or heard of it in the news. Susan Boyles is a 47 year old Scottish amateur singer who simply 'blew away' the judges, including Simon Cowell, on the UK version of American Idol - Britain's Got Talent, and the audience with her rendition of a song from 'Les Miserables'.

Susan Boyles story is that she always wanted to be a singer but something always held her back and not until her 91 year old mom died 2 years ago she made a promise to herself that she would do something about her life's dreams.

My comment on seeing this is that you never know what life brings in front of you - but I also believe that you have to absolutely believe life is full of opportunity and yours is just around the corner. Only thing is you never give up and push all boundaries to achieve that dream. In studying and reading about people living their dreams I have learnt that these individuals look at life with the utmost optimism and their glasses are always half 'full' and never half 'empty'. The most important ingredient being the complete belief that they deserve a life of happiness and success. So when you watch this keep in mind to think about your dream - the only question is are you pursuing your own dream every single moment of your life ?

Remember there is a hand placed on your shoulder by the most powerful force you can imagine guiding you to achieve everything you ever wanted in your life - how do I know - I heard it on December 13th, 2008 and you know what if you look deep down inside yourself you'll know that only you are blocking that dream...The only funny thing is that most times, as in Susan Boyles story, it's during adversity that people get a wake up call and they kick themselves off the couch and push themselves. So my wish for you is that you make the decision, if not made already, to pursue your dreams and that 'the force' (my words) guide you to fulfill your wildest desires...

Watch the magical 7 minutes of Susan Boyles life here...

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